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Safeguarding and DBS for Providers

It is a legal requirement for Netherhall Community Sports Centre (Netherhall School) to ensure that the providers or individuals that either hire the community facilities, who meet the definition of 'regulated activity' with children, have in place the relevant safeguarding information, checks and policies. Providers or individuals must complete the form below before access to the facilities is granted. 

Club Details

DBS Confirmation

Please provide the details below to confirm that appropriate individuals, (identified by wearing the your company uniform/Identity card and employed by your organisation hold a current enhanced DBS disclosure for Regulated Activity (i.e. with a barred list check) which allows them to work unsupervised with children in our school; have been assessed as suitable to work with or alongside children and, where relevant, are not disqualified from working with children under the Childcare Disqualification etc. Regulations 2018. 

Please list below, details of employees and indicate whether:

  1. the individual holds a DBS Disclosure;

  2. the DBS Disclosure includes a check on the Children’s Barred List. 

DBS Disclosure Certificate held?
DBS Disclosure Certificate includes Children’s Barred List check?

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Guidance and Documents

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